
Steak on the grill in Blaine MNThe beauty of a ceramic grill is how easy it is to cook anything you can dream up without any of it sticking. As you cook your hamburgers, hot dogs, chicken, steaks, and vegetables, the juices from those delicious foods begin to build up on the ceramic grating and leave it dirty-looking and rough to the touch. Here are some tips on how to keep clean up that ceramic grill in Blaine, MN,and preserve the nonstick properties.


Prepare for Cleaning

First, you will need to gather your supplies:

  • Rubber gloves to protect your hands from the cleaner
  • Oven cleaner
  • Newspapers for protecting the floor under and around the grill
  • Paper towels to wipe the grill clean
  • Trash bag to dispose of the paper towels and newspaper when you are finished

We recommend that you use the newspaper to protect the surface on which you clean your grill, so carefully spread out enough newspaper to cover the entire area plus some for your grill grate to sit on. This will keep any cleaner off the concrete patio or wood porch that you are working on.

Next you will need to remove the grill grate from your grill and place it onto the newspaper that you have laid out.


Clean with Oven Cleaner

Oven cleaner is not just for ovens! After spraying the entire grate with cleaner, leave it alone to soak for approximately 20 minutes. This gives the cleaner time to loosen anything that is stuck on, making cleaning it up easier.

The idea behind using oven cleaner and letting it sit for a while before wiping it off helps to prevent the need to scrub or scrape anything off the grill, which could scratch the surface. Be very careful to wear rubber gloves so that you do not get any cleaner on your hands, and keep all children away from the area for their safety.


Final Cleaning

Grilling salmon in Blaine MN

Once the cleaner has dissolved most of the residue on the grill grate, you can use paper towels to simply wipe up any remaining dirt or grime, along with the cleaner. Repeat this cleaning process on the underside of the grate to ensure a thorough cleaning. Once you’ve wiped off as much of the cleaner as you can, spray any remaining cleaner off with your garden hose. Finally, replace the grate into your grill and heat the grill up with the cover down in order to burn off any remaining chemical residue from the cleaner.

Now that your grill is clean and you have removed all traces of cleaner, you should rub a small amount of vegetable oil on the grate to season it and prepare it for use at your next dinner party.

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