
Mother and daughter play in a family poolA leaky swimming pool can put quite a damper on you summer fun. If you have a large pool, a small leak might be difficult to locate. Here are some tips to find those leaks and keep the water in the pool.

Do I Have a Leak? 

First, you need to determine that you do have a leak. All pools will experience some water loss through evaporation, especially during hot summer months. The relative humidity in the air can vary greatly over the course of time, which can cause the water to evaporate quickly or more slowly. To check whether your pool is leaking or simply evaporating more quickly, fill a bucket and mark the level of water inside the bucket and inside the pool. With the bucket placed beside the pool, compare the water levels 24 hours later. If the water drops in the pool more than the water dropped in the bucket, there’s likely a leak.


A Leak in the Plumbing 

If the water drops faster when the pump is turned on, there is likely a leak in your plumbing. If the water level drops faster when the pump is turned off, there is likely a leak in the valves on the suction side of the pool. You will want to replace any parts that might be worn out to help prevent this leak from continuing. A pool supplies store in St. Paul, MN, can help you find the parts you need


A Leak in the Shell 

If the water leaks from your pool whether the pump is turned on or off, then we recommend that you check for a leak in the shell of the pool. It may be as simple as underwater lights that need a more water-tight seal, or a leaky joint at the skimmer. Test for this by allowing the water to drop below the level of the skimmer and see if it stops leaking at that point.

A leak in your pool may not be a huge structural issue, so try some of these tips to determine if a simple fix will keep the water in your pool this summer.

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