
A couple sits in a hot tubWe get a lot of questions from people who wonder if they can use their pool chemicals to treat their hot tubs. To the untrained eye, all the different chemical options can seem very similar, so knowing which products are beneficial in certain scenarios can be very advantageous. Read on to learn the difference between pool and spa chemicals and the advantages of professional help from a quality spa and pool store in St. Paul, MN.


Pool Chemicals

Since bacteria and illnesses are easily spread through water, keeping your pool properly maintained is essential for both cleanliness and health. Daily chlorine administration and weekly shock treatments are common practices for keeping pools up and running.


Spa Chemicals

Unlike pool water, which is generally cool in temperature, spa water is hot and a perfect breeding ground for all kinds of bacteria. This makes sanitizer an essential chemical in hot tubs. Alkalinity adjusters, pH adjusters, algaecides, and clarifiers can be used for this purpose. Some chemicals that are intended for larger bodies of water, like swimming pools, are not safe for hot tub use.


Chemical Quality

Quality chemicals have higher concentrations of the beneficial ingredients, and there is a difference between high and low-quality chemical options. Fewer fillers and watered-down products mean the chemicals do a better job of keeping your hot tub clean and functional.


Are They the Same?

Ultimately, pool and spa chemicals are not the same. In fact, using pool chemicals in your hot tub can cause a lot of damage to both the spa itself and the people who use it. Always read the instructions on the chemical packages and consult with a professional if you have any questions. Professional assistance can be a great way to distinguish between various chemicals, and advice from people with years of knowledge and experience can help you come up with the perfect maintenance plan for your pool or spa.

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