
Swimming Pool Chemicals For Sale in St Paul, MN

Also Serving Minneapolis, MN

Pristine Blue

Go Chlorine-Free!

PristineBlue®- Chlorine-Free Pool Supplies

Going Non-Chlorine is easier than ever with PristineBlue®.

Water treated with PristineBlue® feels softer and looks inviting without a chemical taste or odor. It’s gentle to equipment and won’t bleach your liner or swimsuit.


You can swim immediately after application. Your eyes won’t burn…and you won’t believe how good your skin and hair feel after swimming!


And it’s easy! The long-lasting formula of PristineBlue® lets you escape the chore of daily water testing and maintenance.


“To Chlorinate or Not to Chlorinate”


Why Consider Going Non-Chlorine?

In swimming pools and spas, many people don’t like the chemical odor and taste of chlorinated water. The disadvantages of chlorine are many and range from minor to serious. It bleaches vinyl liner pools and swimsuits, it irritates eyes and skin, you have to wait to use the pool after you’ve added chlorine, it’s hazardous to store, it can corrode pool equipment and it’s harmful to the environment.


Chlorine dissipates quickly and therefore requires vigilant testing and maintenance. Swimmers can develop reactions to chloramines, which are chlorine by-products, ranging from skin irritation to respiratory problems. Some research studies have even linked chlorine use in indoor pools to asthma! And those are just the minor complaints!


Because chlorine dominates the pool chemical market, many consumers are unaware that an alternative exists.


PristineBlue® is One Such Alternative!

PristineBlue® is a non-chlorine chemical system which provides pool owners with many advantages over chlorine. It’s gentle on eyes and skin, won’t bleach vinyl liners and your family can swim immediately after application. The formula used to make PristineBlue® is EPA registered in every state and is Certified to NSF/ANSI Standard 60 as a drinking water additive. Pool owners can treat their pool water with the same chemical used to control algae and bacteria in many U.S. drinking water supplies.
non chlorine pool chemicals

Its long-lasting formula requires attention just once every two weeks, and just a few ounces are needed, not gallons or pounds.


PristineBlue® does not dissipate, so it’s very cost effective because every drop works against algae and bacteria in your pool or spa. Overall, the cost to maintain a swimming pool on PristineBlue® for one year is about the same or less as running a pool on chlorine.

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