
Swimming Pool Chemicals For Sale in St Paul, MN

Also Serving Minneapolis, MN


SeaKlear® HaloSource brand, offers a wide range of pool and spa products guaranteed to keep pools, spas and water parks clean and clear. Our water treatment solutions give you sparkling-clean pool or spa water, while our stain removal products keep pool surfaces free of blemishes and algae buildup. By reducing water usage and minimizing the use of harsh chemicals, our products extend the life of your pool or spa and help protect the environment. SeaKlear Aquaria is an eco-friendly product line that keeps large-scale aquariums clean and safe for fish and other marine life.


No one wants cloudy, discolored, or dull-looking water in their pool or spa. Besides the aesthetic concerns, transparent, clean water is important to swimmer safety. Maintaining clear, clean and safe water is essential to any pool or hot tub owner. SeaKlear® pool and spa water treatment solutions provide a reliable and effective way to treat your pool or spa easily and effectively so you can enjoy your time in your pool, not cleaning it.


Since its beginning, SeaKlear® has been a leader in supplying eco-friendly pool products. Our first product, SeaKlear Natural Clarifier™, is made from all-natural chitosan—a substance derived from shrimp and crab shells. The chitosan we use to create a natural solution for cloudy pool water is recycled waste from the seafood industry. Last year, SeaKlear processed more than 900,000 pounds of shrimp and crab shells that otherwise could have ended up in a landfill. SeaKlear refines this wast and turns it into 100 percent biodegradable, eco friendly pool and spa products that keep your pool and spa clean and clear.


SeaKlear also requires our manufacturing facilities to establish and implement environmentally friendly management systems based on environmental quality standards.

In addition, SeaKlear products come in recyclable containers reducing the amount of waste that ends up in landfills. SeaKlear’s parent company, HaloSource®, focuses its energy on sustainability within its products and technologies and develops solutions to some of our most pressing global issues: access to clean drinking water, recycling waste water, water re-use and storm-water management. To learn more about our corporate activities, please visit the HaloSource home page.

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